Dive deeper into our research and findings with our range of publications. These documents provide insights into the methodologies and outcomes of our diverse projects.
Selected publications
Papasarantou, C., Alimisis, D. & Theodoropoulos, E. (2025). The AI-enhanced DIY robotic car: introducing the five big ideas of AI. In S. Papadakis & G. Lampropoulos (Ed.), Intelligent Educational Robots: Toward Personalized Learning Environments (pp. 245-262). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783111352695-014
Östlund B, Malvezzi M, Frennert S, Funk M, Gonzalez-Vargas J, Baur K, Alimisis D, Thorsteinsson F, Alonso-Cepeda A, Fau G, Haufe F, Di Pardo M and Moreno JC (2023) Interactive robots for health in Europe: Technology readiness and adoption potential. Front. Public Health 11:979225. Open access DOI 10.3389/fpubh.2023.979225
Papasarantou, C., Alimisis, D. and Alimisi, R (2023), Virtual Galleries as Learning Scaffolds for Promoting Problem-Based Learning, Education Sciences 2023.
Papasarantou, C., Alimisis, D., Geramani, K. and Ioannidis, G. (2022) “Introducing Artificial Intelligence in school education: the Edu4AI project”, in proceedings of the 17th edition of the EUTIC Conference- In the intersection of Art, Science and Technology: Dialogos between humans and machines, Department of Audio & Visual Arts, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece, pp. 272-280, available online
Papasarantou, C, Alimisis, D, Geramani, K, Ioannidis, Theodoropoulos, E. (2022) “Artificial Intelligence for Υoung Students: The Edu4AI Project Handbook”, Proceedings of Conference on Informatics in Education 2022, GREEK COMPUTER SOCIETY, pp. 21-31, available online
Alimisis, D. (2021) Technologies for an inclusive robotics education [version 2; peer review: 3 approved]. Open Research Europe 2021, 1:40 open access
Sapounidis T., Alimisis D. (2021) Educational Robotics Curricula: Current Trends and Shortcomings. In: Malvezzi M., Alimisis D., Moro M. (eds) Education in & with Robotics to Foster 21st-Century Skills. EDUROBOTICS 2021. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 982. Springer, Cham. Available online: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77022-8_12
Almpani S., Almisis D. (2021) Dance and Robots: Designing a Robotics-Enhanced Project for DanceBased STEAM Education Using ENGINO. In: Malvezzi M., Alimisis D., Moro M. (eds) Education in & with Robotics to Foster 21st-Century Skills. EDUROBOTICS 2021. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 982. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77022-8_13
Education in & with Robotics to Foster 21st-Century Skills Proceedings of EDUROBOTICS 2020 Editors Editors: Monica Malvezzi, Dimitris Alimisis, Michele Moro, Springer, Part of the Studies in Computational Intelligence book series (SCI, volume 982).
Alimisis D. (2020) Emerging Pedagogies in Robotics Education: Towards a Paradigm Shift. In: Pons J. (eds) Inclusive Robotics for a Better Society. INBOTS 2018. Biosystems & Biorobotics. Springer, Cham 2020; 25:123–130. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-24074-5_22
Sapounidis, T., & Alimisis, D. (2020). Educational Robotics for STEM: A Review of Technologies and Some Educational Considerations. In L. Leite, E. Oldham, A. Afonso, V. Floriano, L. Dourado, & M. H. Martinho (Eds.), Science and Mathematics Education for 21st Century Citizens: Challenges and Ways Forward (pp. 167–190). Nova Science publishers.
Moro, M., Alimisis, D., Iocchi, L. (Eds.) (2020), Educational Robotics in the Context of the Maker Movement, Spinger https://www.springer.com/in/book/9783030181406
Rene Alimisi, Dimitris Loukatos, Emmanouil Zoulias, Dimitris Alimisis (2020) Introducing the Making Culture in Teacher Education: The eCraft2Learn Project, In Moro, M., Alimisis, D., Iocchi, L. (Eds.) (2020), Educational Robotics in the Context of the Maker Movement, Spinger pp. 27-41
Alimisis, D. (2019) Teacher Training in Educational Robotics: The ROBOESL Project Paradigm. Tech Know Learn 24, 279–290. Full-text available @ Springer Link
Alimisis, R. Alimisi, D. Loukatos, E. Zoulias (2019), Kids make their own robots: good practices from the eCraft2Learn project, FORMARE, Firenze University Press, Vol 19, N° 1, P. 12-29 (Invited paper), open access
Alimisis (2018), Teacher Training in Educational Robotics: The ROBOESL Project Paradigm, Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 24(2), 279-290, DOI 10.1007/s10758-018-9357-0, full-text view-only version of the paper @ Springer Link, final publication at link.springer.com
Daniela L., Strods R., Alimisis D. (2018), ANALYSIS OF ROBOTICS-BASED LEARNING INTERVENTIONS FOR PREVENTING SCHOOL FAILURE AND EARLY SCHOOL LEAVING IN GENDER CONTEXT, In L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, I. Candel Torres (Eds.) EDULEARN 9th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, IATED Academy, Barcelona, pp. 0810-0818 (full paper available)
Alimisis D., Moro M., Menegatti E. (eds) (2017) Educational Robotics in the Makers Era. Part of the Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book series (AISC, volume 560). Springer, Cham
Alimisis, D., Moro, M. (2016). Editorial: Special issue on educational robotics. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Elsevier, Vol 77, pp 74-75, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.robot.2015.12.006
Beynon et al., (2016) “Playing Games with Observation, Dependency, and Agency in a New Environment for Making Construals,” 2016 International Conference on Interactive Technologies and Games (ITAG), Nottingham, UK, 2016, pp. 21-28, doi: 10.1109/iTAG.2016.11.
Hartfield, A., Alimisi, R., Tomcsanyi, P., Pope, N., Beynon, M. (2016). Constructionism as making construals: first steps with JS-Eden in the classroom. In Proceedings of Constructionism, pages 42 – 52, 2016
Alimisis, D., M. Beynon, J. Foss, E. Hudnott, Steve Russ (2015), The CONSTRUIT! Project: introducing construals into school education, Proceedings of 8th Pan-Hellenic Teachers’ Conference on ICT in education, Syros (Greece), p. 1390-99 (in Greek).